Calculation of feeding weight of each constituent and its size for the production of one tonne of Noble Ferro Alloys, through a technical data sheet, TDS, showing the stoichiometric calculation and mass balance, the yield and the energies involved in the process, the melting temperature and the amount of slag obtained, finally the theoretical chemical analysis obtained at Ferro Alloys and slag. We provide a spreadsheet to be able to feeding the raw material in various quantities or percentage of blend and specification, we also be able to do for others metals production, these Stoichiometrical and Thermodynamic calculation dimensioning for hot metal (Pig Iron), bulk and special ferroalloys and for high purity ferro alloys and steel, please see the sample made to one steel makers, concerning of the chill factor adding FeSi75 in a carbon steel, and one spreadsheet page made for the ferro tungsten production by aluminothermic process.